
The god of single combat and the muse of courage and heroism in battle. Bold and brave, Týr was the only god courageous enough to feed the deadly Fenrir – a wolf, it was foretold, who would kill the great All-Father.
Tyr is a one handed god the leavings of a wolf and prince of temples.


We can have all the self and/or social confidence in the world, however, there’s still one thing standing in between you and that goal of a woman for your arm.
An Introduction.
Holy shit didn’t think of that did you? That’s why I’m here bud. I gave you a simple introduction for your Field Training in chapter 2, however, that was not really an appropriate way to entice a woman you’re interested in.

Regardless of what we did in chapter 2, you’ll still probably have that anxiety creep inside you again when you see a girl you really want to talk to. That’s bullshit! Then why did I go through with embarrassing myself the whole weekend? Well, frankly, because you’re an idiot (joking! holy fuck..). No, that confidence is needed and will play a crucial role when you do speak to this girl. However, the anxiety mentioned above has absolutely nothing to do with confidence.

As humans, we are animals, no matter what anyone says. You may believe in God (or not), but I believe he got lazy on that 6th day and said “Hey..this little ‘instincts’ thing works for everything else…Why not?” I mean..he did slob out on the couch the next day, so who knows? Regardless, our bodies react instinctively to certain situations. Examples include an incredible burst of speed when running away from danger; a baby crying when it’s hungry or lacking attention; “fight or flight”.
However, every animal has 2 basic instincts, underlying EVERYTHING else:

  • To survive
  • To procreate

In order to procreate, we must do as most other male mammals do – Find a suitable host for our seed, and woo her into mating with us. Now, how do animals know a suitable mother from a terrible one (sick, barren, or not fit for carrying children)? It’s instinctive. An example being a dog sniffing ass. The sniffing tells a myriad of information about the dog such as eating habits, well-being, or pregnancy.
There are a number of ways male humans tell if a female is able to bear children as well:

  • wide hips for birthing (fat ass)
  • large, or full/firm breasts for feeding (big, soft, round, full tits)
  • toned body for able care and healthy well-being (why fat chicks are a turn off)

In other words, the “perfect woman” (36-24-36) is the ideal child bearer. Of course, each male has his taste, so what else can be used to alert the body that a worthy female is near? How about a feeling? Maybe in the pit of your stomach? As I said, the body moves on instincts. Mr.Sub works constantly to help you, however, he never explains shit and that usually ends up fucking you up. How is that?

Ever went past a bakery, and had a smell trigger a memory from early childhood? Or maybe a sound that makes you feel a certain way, like when your mother yells your full name instead of just the first. The psychotherapy NLP calls this “anchoring”- unconsciously tying specific emotions to an external stimulus like a smell, sound, sight, or even feeling. Okay, great. So what does this have to do with me and the anxiety I get? Glad you asked. Remember that “pit of stomach anxious” feeling? Well, what if everytime you had that feeling, you ended up getting rejected? Or your friends would go, “Hey man, she’s way out of your league.” If you yield undesirable results, of course your unconscious is going to anchor bad feelings to the anxiety (which is why it is called so). The fuck?? Mr.Sub comes and fucks me again? Damn Skippy, but it’s not totally his fault. He has no logic, therefore, while he may alert you to the presence of the perfect woman – He can also tie emotions to that feeling, not knowing that it’s detrimental to your social skills.

The Bad Example

Your mind is the only thing holding you back from meeting the girl/woman of your dreams. From fears of rejection to fears of approaching, Mr.Sub works hard to keep you from emotional harm. However, Mr.Sub is also easily fooled and re-trainable to believe what you want to believe, but after you break that restraint…what do you say? Who knows? Honestly. I’ve walked up to girls, said “pickles”, and will come away with their number in 15 minutes. However, you don’t have the confidence or probably the drive to even try that. So we’ll work with what you do have, and that’s WANT. You WANT to talk to this girl, and you WANT to get to know her for whatever reason, so you tell her so. This is where a lot of guys fuck up, they walk up after hours/days/months of staring at a girl and they say, “Hey umm…You’re so pretty and I got this for you, and I think we should go out, maybe to the movies or somewhere to eat?” *and I’ve seen this happen* What was his problems?

  • He creeped her out with the staring first of all. Never stare. You see a girl you like? Move in for the kill. The longer you wait, the more that anxiety builds, and the more you try to logic yourself out of it. Plus, if she catches you staring nervously multiple times, you’re now that “Creepy Guy”.
  • He accepted her without any reason but her looks. We’ll cover this in detail later, but when you introduce yourself to a girl with the purpose of getting to know her, GET TO KNOW HER! Never tell a girl she’s pretty and that’s the only reason why you’re there talking to her. She gets HIT ON CONSTANTLY, and already knows that.
  • He offered to take her out, yet she has no basis on which to evaluate the fun/excitement/adventure/hilarity/passion/romance of said date. When you introduce yourself, you’re showing a picture. You paint that picture in her mind, and she recalls it constantly when she thinks of you. So if you paint yourself as boring/nervous/scared or don’t paint yourself at all, what do you think is going to happen? Your actions, attitude, confidence, looks, etc.. all make the difference between a Michelangelo or finger painting.
  • He didn’t even tell her his name, or ask for hers.

And this is what we base our introduction on – Defining yourself with your confidences (ch1), spur of the moment action, qualifying a girl beyond her looks (or whatever you may be initially attracted to), and then painting a picture of yourself. So how do we put all of this into an introduction? Simple.

The Real

The goal of the introduction is to let the person we wish to know get a vivid picture of us in just a few minutes, but first you have to have the will to fight through the anxiety that may be holding you back. You have to remember that ALL rejections just boil down to “No.” and you shouldn’t fear a 2 letter word. The confidence you show when you just walk up to a girl and let her know the real you without hesitation puts a myriad of colors in that picture you’re painting, and you want to make it as detailed as possible. Any girl will tell you they can at least respect a guy who does so, even if he doesn’t earn their interests. Don’t be afraid to stick your hand in the wolf’s mouth, because without that test, you’ll never know the results.

The Third Stone – Introduction Confidence

What are the steps to an introduction?

  • Framing yourself with your confidences, which we will also talk about in detail later. You want to have a frame for your picture to sit in, so make sure your confidence is unshakable. Remember the traits, mental and physical, and you’ll be set.
  • Give reason as to why you’re there, let her know you’re there for her.
  • Ask her to give you reasons as to why you may be interested in her, beyond the quality that initially attracted you (or a major quality). If she’s pretty, say she looks like an “interesting person.” Every other guy hits a hot girl with the pretty line, and most want to be valued for more than that.
  • Paint a picture of yourself. Be funny, witty, or whatever you are. Remember those strengths? Portray them. Don’t brag about them, but show her that you have them. Your flaws? Forget about them. She can know them, but not during an introduction or anytime near then.
  • Have fun! It’s okay to be nervous initially, but to be nervous and stumbling the whole way through is irritating to a girl, even if she already likes you. Be confident, and brave.

Note: I know I’m leaving you with a lot of information and not enough detail, but we will cover all of this, I promise. For now, remember the basics and try to incorporate them on your own.

Plains of Asgard – Field Test/Homework
  • Write a simple script to use as an introduction, along the lines of.. -Hi, I just had to come over. You seem like such an interesting person and something told me that maybe I should get to know you. My name is (Name). What are you here for? – etc. It doesn’t have to be hilarious or anything, just enough to START a conversation.
  • Go out again, with the intent of introducing yourself to 10 people. Try to use the basics of the Third Brick in your path to paint yourself for others.
  • Introduce yourself within 3-5 seconds of seeing someone. DO NOT WAIT.
  • Remember your first two stones before going out (Ch1 & 2), and before you introduce yourself. They are your greatest weapons.

Note: The purpose of the Plains of Asgard is to fight through the battles you’re facing in your mind. If you don’t want to do them, fine, but don’t expect to yield results without practice. Cliche, sure, but you have to crawl before you walk. I’ve done each and every one of these, and still do them to this day. It’s why I can sit here and tell you about confidence, women, and social relationships. So please, try to fight through the fear of embarrassing yourself, because in the end, it all works out for the best.

3 Responses to “Third Stone – Introducing”

  1. Bunnyman33 Says:

    dude, if you made a book outta this, i’d buy it xD and i betcha a lot of other ppl would too! …my point: you rock XD

  2. Mint Says:

    Can’t you make anything for girls too? You’re a man/boy, so you could define what a boy looks after in a girl and how a GIRL should approach a boy too, instead of making it boy => girl only. It should be boy girl instead.

  3. Njord Says:

    I’m looking for a female writer to give her perspective on how to be social and attract men to keep them. Just have to find the Gods with the time.

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