
Daughter of the giant Thjazi, Skadi journeyed to Asgard with her armour and weapons in order to avenge the death of her father. The gods instead offered her gifts in order to calm her rage, the first of which was to choose one of the gods for a husband, but she could only make her choice by looking at their feet and nothing else.

One particular pair she thought was exceptionally beautiful, because they were soft, supple, and smooth like water-washed stone. Thinking it could only belong to Baldr she choose them, but it was really that of Njord, god of wind and sea.


So children, what do you want to learn today? Ohh! Ohh!! How do we ask someone out? Hmm, good subject little ones. So, I dealt with this question a lot when I first started to impart my wisdom, and I feel like some of you need a different approach to the one I gave. It’s one of the most difficult things to explain because I’ve come across so many diverse situations dealing with you guys. You’re either someone girls barely know exists, or one who has a girl all over you that will never commit to a date, even just blatantly not knowing what to do. Honestly, you just do it, however, there are a few things you need when you want to ask her out.

  • Feel Your Best – Many ignorant thinking they’re giving the wisest piece of advice ever always say, “Look your best!” or “Just be yourself!” Honestly, you can go out with panties on your head and the biggest asshole attitude you can think of and still attract women. The secret behind that is actually feeling your best. If you feel incredible, confident, unstoppable, not giving a flying fuck whether you attract this girl or not, coupled with the attitude that EVERY woman is out to get you because you’re just too goddamn sexy, then your aura of pure awesomeness will definitely convince your girl that a time out with your would be insanely more fun than whatever her boring life would have her doing, which brings me to my 2nd point
  • Create an Incentive – Give this girl a legitimate reason to spend a few hours with you. Be humorous, witty, sexy, fun to get her imagining that she would have the best time with you. Tell hilarious stories of you and your friends out doing random shit, or your and your family spending a great time together. In other words, build enough of an attractive personality that she knows she’ll have no choice but to have a good time with you, and thennn…
  • Always Have Purpose – and know what it is. Do you want to get to know this chick or just have her tag along for company? Are you aiming for a quick fling or looking for a long term relationship? Do you really just want to use her as a pivot to attract hotter girls while you shove her off on a friend? Figure that out and make sure it’s in the back of your mind, because your conversation and time out in general will structure itself around it.
  • Get Her Number – Though I have to detail this in a completely different stone, get the girl’s number to make sure that you both can solidify your plans. Please don’t call non-stop trying to make sure she doesn’t flake. Call maybe, 2-3 days before the date so that you can solidify the plans, then 1-2 hours in advance before the meet-up and let that be it. Yes, phone game is expansive and this isn’t anywhere near all the things you need to know, but for now, this will do.

Getting A Date

So now that we know what you need, I think it’s time to figure out how to do it. If you know that she’s just fully blown in love you, then what the fuck are you doing reading this? Just ask! However, if you’re just meeting a girl, or she’s a “friend” or if you’re just not so sure what your relationship status is, then try to implement these as well.

  • Suggest you go somewhere. Never ask. If you have to ask, at least phrase the question like, “How about we hang out at the Cinema this weekend?” or “Why don’t you come tag along with me at Wal-Mart?” etc..etc. Point being, never ask directly if she wants to come chill with you. This just makes it easier for girls to accept the fact that you actually are taking them out, without making it feel like a date. Think about it, you would rarely get a direct “No” when asking those questions, but all kinds of shit happens when you simply ask, “Do you want to go to the movies with me?” It makes it a helluva lot easier if she’s not totally into you yet.
  • Have something to do! Oh my Odin, the worst thing ever is actually getting the date and then getting the girl to some obscure location asking, “So what do you want to do?” Don‘t be stuck on stupid. Have the outline of a game-plan at least. Even if you’re going to the movies, know what you want to see and go see it. Her input is not required because she’s hanging out with you, the incredibly awesome guy she met earlier that week. It’s not the other way around, because she did come to be with you. If you were awesome enough, she probably won’t give a damn what you guys do anyways, but it’s an incredible turn-off for women when guys aren’t decisive and unsure.
  • If you get a date, don’t fag out over it. It’s really just going to chill with a friend. As a matter of fact, treat dates that way. For me, dates happen at football games, Wal-Mart, the school parking lot, Chuck E-Cheese, or the other side of the cafeteria. Remember that. Also, don’t try to over impress with your physicals. You wouldn’t overdress to go meet your buddies, or pour bottles of cologne over your head. Yes, do groom yourself well, but don’t overdo it to impress.

With some girls you may have just met, or those that consider you a “friend”, it takes awhile to get that “Dinner and a movie” only because it’s too high-pressure. What the hell is a high-pressure date? What I mean by high pressure is that it can automatically translate to, “I really like you and I want to give you a chance to seduce me into your strong, manly arms to take me back to your harem and have your way with me.” She may not think she can handle spending hours with you in a 1 on 1 situation where there are no distractions and nothing to fill the potentially awkward time. Though it can work, sometimes that’s not always the situation a girl wants to be in, especially only after talking to the guy for 20mins to an hour. Sometimes a simple “hang-out” will serve the purpose infinitely better than a “date”.

The Real

All of this just sets the stage for you to have a great time. You don’t need scripts or crazy incentives to get a girl to go out with you. Just make sure you’re awesome enough that she can consider spending her weekend-time with you. When you get a date, never ever turn those roles around. She’s there to have a good time with you, so make sure of that. You’re not there to have a good time with her, because you’re going to have a good time regardless. On top of that, HAVE FUN! If you’re bored at any time during the date, then you’re fucking shit up. Make some shit happen, stir some shit up. Get some excitement going. Have fun.

The Seventh Stone – Dating

Dating is simply a tool used to get a girl comfortable with you. You’re getting to know her and allowing her to learn you as well. Your goal should be to show her that she’s safe around you, she can trust you, you’re congruent, and that you’re relationship material (for whatever relationship you plan on having). How do you ask a girl out? You just do it. Man up and pop the question when you’re sure that she’ll at least consider it, such as the apex of your hilarious conversation, or after she’s been eyeing you for three weeks. It’s yes or no, and neither of those can k ill you, so never fear the results. Just go for it.

Plains of Asgard

  • Steps to getting a date:
  • Introduce yourself
  • Build your personality/Create an incentive
  • Ask by suggesting you do something.
  • Actually have something to do.
  • Get a number for solidification.

Steps for on a date:

  • Have fun.

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