The Quickie #1


Women have no control in a real relationship. You don’t control the relationship, you don’t control the bedroom, and you don’t control your man. If you do, then you’re fucking the wrong guy.

Making the rules for playing your game

Many times, girls and guys come to me with questions like “My boyfriend cheated on me, what should I do??” or “My boyfriend is in jail for something he promised he would never do again…should I stick with him or move on?” and even “There’s this nice guy who’s always showering me with unearned compliments and gifts, always making me feel special…but I don’t know if I should date him because he never says ‘NO’!” Questions like these irk me to an extent because I feel like one should already know the somewhat obvious answers. However, I forget that not everyone has lived my life, and as teenagers it’s your job to make mistakes, get hurt, and be happy in relationships in order to grow as a person for the more important relationships in the future. So, Uncle Njord is going to try and help you ease some of the troubles you may have in finding the right person, so that your relationship doesn’t die a fiery death of incompatibility and sexual frustration.

Clicking this makes you smarter than everyone else

New Guide


Come back in a few (2? maybe less) hours. Almost completed. This one is more for the chicks, but guys can use it too.
-Having Standards

~Njord the Wise

Your personal cheat sheet to understanding women

Let’s face it: females are complicated. You need a Secret Society Decoder Ring, high level code breaking ingenuity and comprehension skills to even wave at them. The way they talk, along with the things they do, can confuse the hell out of any logical young man. But what good would Uncle Njord be if he didn’t lay down the signs the ladies drop to let a man know that they’re interested? Well…I’d still be awesome, but you kids would continue to wallow in your pathetic nature, and all of your women would be sexually frustrated, which is like dealing with PMS*9000.

Frustrated ho

Frustrated ho

Click here to learn the secrets of women..



Changing some shit. So please stop msging me with “WHY LINKZ AINT WORKIN!” and “WUT HAPPENED TO AHSUM THEME!”

Figuring shit out.